
In git, "branches" are used to make changes to the code without affecting the main codebase or the work of other developers. Once the changes on a new branch have been tested in a "pull request", the new branch is merged into the main codebase.

Getting Started


Before you start writing new code, please create a new issue to describe what you are planning to do, and "assign" the issue to yourself. This lets other developers know what you are working on. See issues

  1. Clone the RST repo:

    git clone

    It is recommended by GitHub to create a SSH key

  2. Change to the rst folder

    cd rst
  3. Update the code

    git fetch
    git pull origin master
  4. Decide what branch to break off from:

    • HOTFIX: a fix that needs to be in master ASAP then branch from master
    • Documentation: existing main documentation with an update then branch from master
    • New Documentation: documentation that doesn't exist in the main documentation then branch from develop
    • New code/fix that can wait for a release then branch from develop
    • Code based on another branch then branch from that branch name

      git checkout

  5. Decide on the new branch name. It is recommended to use the following Prefixes:

    • HOTFIX/ : a bug that needs to be fixed ASAP and pushed to master
    • FIX/ : a bug fix that can wait to be released
    • EHN/ : an enhancement or new feature to the develop code
    • DOC/ : new or updating existing documentation
    • DEP/ : deprecating code from the codebase

      git checkout -b

  6. Now you have created your own branch locally. Make the modifications to the code on this branch, and then run the following commands to commit the changes:

    git add <file changed>
    git commit -m <brief description of the change>
  7. Now "push" the changes to GitHub:

    git push origin <branch name>
  8. Repeat the above commands above as you work on the code changes

  9. Once you are completed, documented, and tested your code then you can create a pull request, see pull request