Map files

Map files are post-processed data produced from grid files. They include all the information included in the original grid file, plus the additional information related to the convection mapping. Map files are generated using a multi-step process described in the map_grid tutorial.

Naming Convention

Separate map files should be created for each hemisphere. The community standard for naming these files is:

Scalar Fields

Start and end times refer to the start and end of the integration period (usually 2 minutes).

Field name Units Data Type Description
start.year None short Start Year
start.month None short Start Month number (not padded) None short Start Day (not padded)
start.hour hr short Start Hour
start.minute min short Start Minute
start.second s short Start Seconds
end.year None short End Year
end.month None short End Month (not padded) None short End Day (not padded)
end.hour hr short End Hour
end.minute min short End Minute
end.second s short End Seconds
map.major.revision None short Major revision number of mapping routine
map.minor.revision None short Minor revision number of mapping routine
source None string Binary that produced this record
doping.level None short Model doping level
model.wt None short Model weighting
error.wt None short Error weighting
IMF.flag None short IMF availability flag
IMF.delay min short IMF delay
IMF.Bx nT double IMF Bx component
IMF.By nT double IMF By component
IMF.Bz nT double IMF Bz component
IMF.Vx km/s double Solar wind speed, X-component, GSE
IMF.tilt degree double Dipole tilt angle
IMF.Kp None double Kp index number
model.angle None string Statistical clock angle of B
model.level None string Statistical model level
model.tilt None string Calculated tilt angle None string Name of the statistical model used (TS18, CS10, RG96, etc.)
hemisphere None short Hemisphere flag (north=1)
noigrf None short Flag for no-IGRF model present
fit.order None short Order of spherical harmonic fit
latmin None float Lower latitude boundary of data
chi.sqr None double True chi-squared error
chi.sqr.dat None double Chi-squared error for data only
rms.err None double RMS error
lon.shft degree float Longitudinal pole shift
lat.shft degree float Latitudinal pole shift
mlt.start hr double MLT at start of record
mlt.end hr double MLT at end of record
mlt.av hr double MLT at middle of record
pot.drop V double Cross polar-cap potential drop
pot.drop.err V double Cross polar-cap potential drop error
pot.max V double Maximum polar-cap potential
pot.max.err V double Maximum polar-cap potential error
pot.min V double Minimum polar-cap potential
pot.min.err V double Minimum polar-cap potential error

Vector fields

In the table below, the following values describe the dimensionality of the map file fields:

  • numstid: the number of radars included in that grid record
  • numv: the total number of gridded velocity vectors
  • numft: the number of values used in the spherical harmonic analysis
  • nummd: the number of vectors output by the statistical convection model
  • numbd: the number of points in the Heppner-Maynard boundary

A map file will not necessarily contain a complete set of all the variables listed below. The processing is divided into stages and new fields are added to the file as appropriate. For example, the boundary.mlat and boundary.mlon fields are added by map_addhmb, and the model.mlat, model.mlon, model.kvect, and model.vel.median are added by map_addmodel.

Field name Units Dimensionality Data Type Description
stid None [numstid] short A list of numeric station IDs that provided data for the record
channel None [numstid] short A list of channel numbers associated with the station id
nvec None [numstid] short Number of velocity vectors for each station
freq kHz [numstid] float Transmitted frequency for each radar
major.revision None [numstid] short Major make_grid version number
minor.revision None [numstid] short Minor make_grid version number None [numstid] short Control program ID
noise.mean None [numstid] float Mean noise None [numstid] float Noise Standard deviation
gsct None [numstid] short Groundscatter flag
v.min m/s [numstid] float Minimum velocity threshold
v.max m/s [numstid] float Maximum velocity threshold
p.min None [numstid] float Minimum power threshold
p.max None [numstid] float Maximum power threshold
w.min m/s [numstid] float Minimum spectral width threshold
w.max m/s [numstid] float Maximum spectral width threshold
ve.min m/s [numstid] float Velocity error minimum threshold
ve.max m/s [numstid] float Velocity error maximum threshold
vector.mlat degrees [numv] float Magnetic Latitude
vector.mlon degrees [numv] float Magnetic Longitude
vector.kvect degrees [numv] float Magnetic Azimuth
vector.stid None [numv] short Station identifier None [numv] short Channel number
vector.index None [numv] int Grid cell index
vector.vel.median m/s [numv] float Weighted mean velocity magnitude m/s [numv] float Velocity standard deviation
vector.pwr.median dB [numv] float Weighted mean power dB [numv] float Power standard deviation
vector.wdt.median m/s [numv] float Weighted mean spectral width
* m/s [numv] float Standard deviation of spectral width
N None [numft] double L value of the expansion between 0 and Lmax
N+1 None [numft] double M value of the expansion between -L and +L, negative values indicating the sin(M*phi) term
N+2 None [numft] double Value of the coefficient
N+3 None [numft] double Estimate of the 1-sigma error of the coefficient
model.mlat degrees [nummd] float Magnetic Latitudes of the model vectors
model.mlon degrees [nummd] float Magnetic Longitudes of the model vectors
model.kvect degrees [nummd] float Magnetic Azimuths of the model vectors
model.vel.median m/s [nummd] float Velocity medians of the model vectors
boundary.mlat degrees [numbd] float Magnetic Latitudes of the lower latitude boundary
boundary.mlon degrees [numbd] float Magnetic Longitudes of the lower latitude boundary